Ghost Girlfriend by CUPTI

Saturday, 24 December 2016


Everybody have been talking MMM, some sings it while some even switch their 'other' names for Mavrodi. Wow! I call this absolute loyalty!

Let me quickly cream our afternoon with a glimpse of why Sergey Mavrodi is mad at the world of financial injustice. Just like the saying, "Dogs don't just bark... (you can help me complete that... Lol)

In brief;

MMM prevents banks from robbing people, that is the only reason why all the lies about our community is trending. Nobody cares about the people. If we managed to pay millions of participants 30% per month for 1 year (and would still be paying, regardless of mass media lies about MMM), why do banks not do the same?

Why do they offer only a few percents a year after making massive proceeds from our money? Make your own conclusions. Thought everything is clear right now. You are simply robbed, we have always been saying it. The modern financial system is predatory by nature.

It is not for ordinary people, it is for the bankers. It's purpose is financial slavery! And it achieves this purpose perfectly... Now, pick your friend, 'cause I know my enemy.

As for me, I refused to be caged anymore. I will continue to spread the goodspell of MMM's Ideology, I will register new invites, I am not ashamed to be a Mavrodian, oh yeah, I will always Provide Help and I will surely live by the rules for a better community.

2017 is here already, Together we change the world!

Guider, Ola Olabode

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